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Salute the Troops has hired Jason Turner as its’ next executive director.

“I’m excited to begin this role,” Turner said. “This is where I can reach out to veterans in need. As a combat veteran, like most combat veterans, I’ve more than once felt like I've lost my way. I want to reach out to the veterans in my community and show them how service to their fellow brothers and sisters can help heal some of those wounds and help them find themselves again.”

Turner is an army veteran who has been deployed a number of times during his 12-year military career. Turner was awarded the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara, Army Commendation Medal(2nd Award), Army Achievement Medal (3rd award), Army Good Conduct Medal (2nd award), National Defense Service Medal, Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War On Terrorism Service Ribbon,Afghanistan Campaign Medal w/ Campaign Star, Iraq Campaign Medal w/ 3 campaign stars, NATO ISAF Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon (3rd award), Armed Forces Reserve Medal w/ M Device, Combat Action Badge, Driver and Mechanic Badge w/ Driver - Wheeled Vehicle Clasp. He has held a number of professional roles, most recently as a sales representative for Bio-Vet. He is also the owner of Combat Vet Customs and Vice President of the US Military Vets MC WI-2.

“Jason exemplifies the mission and core values of Salute the Troops,” Jim Erskine, Salute the Troops board of directors president, said. “His passion for helping other veterans and educating the public on resources will allow Salute the Troops to begin a new chapter in assisting veterans and their families in the communities we serve.”

In the role of executive director, Turner is responsible for a variety of items, including, but not limited to, effective public relations and fundraising; veteran support through workshops, meetings and financial assistance; engagement in events, meetings and initiatives that impact veterans and their families; and overall administration of the organization.

Salute the Troops seeks to support local service-members, veterans, and their families through financial assistance, resource brokering, and supportive programming while creating awareness, delivering education, and fostering camaraderie all while stimulating economic development in our community.


Executive Director – Part-time📷

The Executive Director is the primary fundraiser and public “face” of Salute the Troops, Inc. The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors, and is responsible for the organization's consistent achievement of its mission and financial objectives. In program development and administration, the Executive Director will:

Specific committee responsibilities:

1. Assure that the organization has a long-range strategy which achieves its mission, and toward which it makes consistent and timely progress.

2. Provide leadership in developing program, organizational and financial plans with the Board of Directors and staff, and carry out plans and policies authorized by the board.

3. Promote active and broad participation by volunteers in all areas of the organization's work.

4. Maintain official records and documents, and ensure compliance with federal, state and local regulations.

5. Maintain a working knowledge of significant developments and trends in the field.

In communications, the Executive Director will:

1. See that the Board is kept fully informed on the condition of the organization and all important factors influencing it.

2. Publicize the activities of the organization, its programs and goals.

3. Establish sound working relationships and cooperative arrangements with community groups and organizations.

4. Represent the programs and point of view of the organization to agencies, organizations, and the general public.

In relations with staff, the Executive Director will:

1. Be responsible for the recruitment, employment, and release of volunteers.

3. See that an effective event management team, with appropriate provision for succession, is in place.

4. Encourage staff and volunteer development and education, and assist program staff in relating their specialized work to the total program of the organization.

5. Maintain a climate which attracts, keeps, and motivates a diverse staff of top quality people.

In budget and finance, the Executive Director will:

1. Be responsible for developing and maintaining sound financial practices.

2. Work with the Board in preparing a budget; see that the organization operates within budget guidelines.

3. Ensure that adequate funds are available to permit the organization to carry out its work.

4. Jointly, with the President and Secretary of the Board of Directors, conduct official correspondence of the organization, and jointly, with designated officers, execute legal documents.

Desired Skill Sets:

Strong leadership and Vision

Proven organizational and event coordination skills

A faculty for working with diverse sets of people, veterans and otherwise

Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written

High levels of proficiency in personnel, organizational, and fiscal management, to include fundraising strategies

Problem-solving skills

Activism/organizing experience

An effective approach to office management as well as non-profit management

The ability to prioritize and meet deadlines

Address conflicts in a timely, humble, and direct manner

Educational requirements and Compensation

A Bachelor’s level degree is preferred but not required; special consideration will be given to degrees or experience in nonprofit management. The Executive Director is the height of responsibility in Salute the Troops; the position is charged with carrying out the vision of the organization and handling all day-to-day business.

Compensation is $18-$22/hour, 20-hours per week, depending on experience.

Challenges Ahead

Salute the Troops is an established non-profit organization based in Fond du Lac, WI. This position will be the only staff position that will be hired at this time, so it will be up to the Executive Director responsibility to manage this organization with the assistance of the Board of Directors.

With more than 30,000 veterans and their families already living in Fond du Lac and the surrounding areas we may support, the need for veterans’ services will continue to rise. As an organization, we must recognize and understand the needs of veterans who may be reluctant to ask for help and develop programming to meet those needs in a timely manner.


This position is open to the public. Veterans and their family members are strongly encouraged to apply. Salute the Troops provides equal opportunity to all persons, regardless of race, color, sex, creed, age, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, disability or arrest or conviction record in its employment practices. Racist and other discriminatory conduct will not be tolerated at Salute the Troops.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, resume, and three references to the Hiring Committee at, with the subject line: Executive Director Position.

Phone and in-person interviews will be conducted. This position will be open until filled.


Runners can join the half-marathon, Dobogai 5K, Brandon Michael Memorial Ruck March, kids race

Salute the Troops, a non-profit organization who supports local service members, veterans, and their families through advocacy, education, training, financial assistance, and supportive programming to promote awareness, and fostering camaraderie that stimulates economic development in the community, will host their annual half marathon, as well as the Dobogai Memorial 5K, the Fox Valley Savings Bank Kids Race, and Brandon Michael Memorial Ruck March, on Saturday, May 25, 2019.

Each year, Salute the Troops offers these races as a benefit to the community and a fundraiser for the organization. The events take place at Lakeside Park in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Proceeds benefit veterans and their families in Fond du Lac, Dodge, and Sheboygan counties. This annual race will feature a half marathon and the Dobogai Memorial 5k run/walk. New this year is a ruck march in honor of Brandon Michael Van Asten, a veteran who died by suicide. Statistics indicated an average of 22 veterans die by suicide each day.

“This annual event is a staple for Salute the Troops,” Jim Erskine, Salute the Troops Board of Directors President, said. “We’re excited to add the Brandon Michael Van Asten Ruck March, in addition to the Dobogai 5K which is in memory of Derek Dobogai who was killed in action in 2007. These races are a great way to keep these memories alive.”

A kids ‘fun run’ for children 12 and under is only $10 and includes activities throughout the race. For entrance fees, starting times and race registration, please visit or


Salute the Troops

27 3rd St Suite A

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935

EIN 45-4968314 

Office hours by appointment only.

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